Community Days Fund-Raiser

Carson Pirie Scott and all the Bonton stores host
“Community Days”. They invite not-for-profit organizations to give
away coupon books for a $5 donation. The not-for-profit keeps all of the money.
The donor gets a coupon worth $10 off anything in the store and several coupons
for 20% off many other items.
Community Days Donations Covers Insurance
German Shepherd Search and Rescue Dog Association has
participated for the last 3 years. The Carson Pirie Scott store in the Streets
of Woodfield shopping center has allowed us to bring in the dogs and interact
with the customers as they come in to shop. The dogs love it and thanks to
Carson’s GSSARDA has been able to fund our insurance so we can train.
Future Community Days
The next Community Days is in April 27th and 28th. If you
are interested in receiving a coupon for a $5 donation, please feel free to
contact us at or come visit us at Carson’s from noon
until 2 PM on Saturdays from March 17
through April 21st.
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