Maggie Goes Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX)
This was the e-mail Joanna sent out when she handled Maggie to her TDX title. It did such a good job capturing the joy a handler feels when their canine accomplishes something they’ve been working toward, I didn’t want to re-write it. Joanna and Maggie, we salute you!)
On Sunday, May 11th Maggie got her TDX (Tracking Dog Excellence) title !
The weather in the morning was terrible, it was raining and was cold and later it cleared up.
The track was 850 yards, aged 3 hours with with 6 turns, 4 articles along the track including the starting one and 2 cross tracks. There were 2 obstacles, 1st was the woods with very dense bushes. I almost had to crawl in between and had to drop the lead not to get tangled. The second one was lighter woods but the track was going down the hill towards the pond and then along this pond and up hill again.
Maggie was so right on her track. I didn’t know where the track was crossed until I got the maps from the judges. She just ignored this and kept following the scent. She finished the whole thing in 12 minutes. She didn’t stop along at all except for the articles. She did absolutely awesome 🙂 !
I felt so confident following her. I felt so goooood when we got to the last article which was the leather glove. I think I freaked my poor dog when I shouted out of excitement, then I threw the glove in the air.
TDX seemed so difficult and all of the sudden yesterday she was truly working and I was truly reading her all along. How exciting and rewarding it was.
There are few pictures from this event with judges and track layer.
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