The Problem
A friend with a new puppy that had the runs came to visit me and asked the question, “How do you live with three German Shepherds?” The truth of the matter is the more training they have the easier they are to live with.
I was getting frustrated that I was not accomplishing the things I wanted to with a quality I felt was acceptable. After some truly encouraging words from a friend I decided to come up with a plan and schedule my days. The goal is to be at my computer by 9 AM. Right now I am missing that goal more than meeting it but maybe with a plan this will get better. I hope hearing what is and isn’t working for me might help you, if you are feeling this way.
The Solution
When I wake up I spend the first few minutes with my oldest dog, Lektor. I pet him, rub his ears, and tell him how glad I am to have him in my life. His age is showing and every morning I wonder if this will be the last day I have him. He knows I love him but I don’t want to regret missing the opportunity to spend time with him.
After my time with Lektor, it is baby Belle’s turn. As an operational dog, her need for training is not as intense. With an old dog and a young dog in the house, it is easy to skip time with her in favor of the others. This way I make sure she knows she is appreciated, too.
Those two go back to sleep while I take some time to read and meditate on my daily devotionals. If I skip this the day generally goes downhill.
The big dogs go out into the fenced yard and it is Orex’s turn. He is not a morning dog and generally needs some cuddling before we get to work. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we exercise. Orex is working on his AD so that means biking him 8 miles or more. Belle is walked a couple of miles in hopes of managing her weigh. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I track Orex and Belle and/or work obedience and human remains detection (HRD). I was doing my own strength training but that is more of an afterthought. Lektor gets to play some two toy after the others are trained then the dogs get breakfast.

The Schedule
Mondays I take the time to collect the dog-hair tumbleweeds blowing throughout the house and do the laundry. When I get to the computer, I write blogs and schedule them to be posted. Tuesday is ironing, a task I am more than happy to skip and either project work or write. Wednesday is grooming day for the dogs. While they like the brushing, they would just as soon skip having their nails trimmed and their ears cleaned. Most of the time on the computer is spent in accounting. This is also the day I do the filing. Thursday is clean house, develop next week’s menu and create a grocery list. My son saw my little handwritten list that I often forget and asked why I didn’t use the memo pad on my phone. It helped. This is also the day I do virus scans and back-ups. Friday is the day I get the panic calls from clients. If everyone is calm and I don’t have to rush around to make miracles happen I mow the lawn and weed. Therefore my garden looks like the set for a jungle movie. Saturday is Levy if I don’t have dog training or fund-raising. Sunday is for search practice or church.
Okay now I have a plan. Let’s see if I can stick to it. What about you? How do you stay organized?
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